Newspaper Ads vs Magazine Ads — What’s the Difference?
It’s no secret that digital mediums are rising in popularity as compared to their print counterparts. Nonetheless, national newspapers and magazines still continue their strong grip on readers. Despite being around for years, many are still confused about which one is right for their business. Hence, here are a few crucial pointers for those still unsure about magazine & newspaper advertisements.
4 Differences Between Newspaper Ads and Magazine Ads You Must Know
Print media easily stands out as perhaps the most credible source of information today. This alone makes magazine and newspaper advertisements a prime choice among advertisers. But between the two, there are huge differences that separate them entirely. To help you make a smart choice, we have compiled the most relevant differences below.
Targeting options:
Newspapers: Aimed at a larger geographic market segments
Magazines: Aimed at niche categories and audiences alike
You’ll find that magazines are typically read by highly interested audiences in a particular subject. Luckily, there are specific magazines for various topics so there is no shortage of names. This ability brings better chances of persuasion when focused on a relevant topic. But if your goal is to target a large audience, then it’s best not to choose magazine ads.
For targeting geographic market segments, newspapers can prove to be the deal-breaker. It also applies to local businesses as well, that too at minimal cost. Newspaper advertisements bring forward a series of advantages that makes it work, even today!
Medium longevity:
Newspapers: Impact lasts for 24 hours
Magazines: Longer shelf life that outlasts 24 hours
The impact of a newspaper ad is short-lived, no matter how effective it may be. Choosing a good newspaper advertising agency can help you leverage the medium to the fullest. However, its 24-hour longevity limits its shelf life since almost every reader will cast them aside after one read-through.
This is where magazine ads steal the limelight. Readers tend to hold onto a magazine longer than a newspaper. Consequently, repeat exposure of your ad is possible with time. Its effectiveness transcends the 24-hour limit and a longer shelf life ensures that your ads live on.
Lead times:
Newspapers: Shorter time period for having your ad released
Magazines: Longer time period for having your ad released
To have newspaper ads released online is a burdensome task. This is especially true since you have the assistance of a popular newspaper advertising agency like Bookadsnow by your side. However, it takes a couple of days to have your ad released in a newspaper.
On the contrary, releasing magazine ads online does not come with the same advantage. Long lead times pose a challenge as it becomes necessary to submit your ad within 4–6 weeks in advance. Hence, the gift of timeliness makes newspaper ads a great option to consider.
Medium quality:
Newspapers: Lesser visual strength where colours are less effective
Magazines: Higher visual strength due to better page finish
If you’re ever browsed through a magazine, you may have come across the glossy finish of each page. This makes for strong creative design and a better impact on your magazine ads, not to mention the texture of the pages themselves.
But newspapers do not stand out in this department. Since it is distributed and circulated in large numbers, the reproduction quality diminishes on large copy runs. Colour is of course a plus point. But newspaper advertisements aren’t nearly as captivating as the ads you see in magazines.
Newspaper or Magazine Advertising: Which Works for Me?
Both mediums come with their fair share of benefits.
But which one is for you? Trust a reputed newspaper advertising agency like Bookadsnow if you’re unsure about which medium is suited for your business. Understanding your needs as well as the features of both forms of advertising, get expert assistance to make the right choice. In fact, we also provide the best rates if you choose to advertise in either!
Make the most of print media advertising by choosing Bookadsnow!