Puzzled About Newspaper Ads? Choose from the 3 Best Types

Newspapers have been one of the oldest forms of skimming information as well as one of the most authentic and well-trusted sources of information all around the world. Believe it or not, many people’s mornings are not complete without a piece of newspaper in their hands. Many in their 30’s, 40’s and beyond believe this form of news media to be one of their most trusted forms for finding information. Hence, we do not see it fading away anytime soon.
Newspapers do not only contain information regarding important information and happenings around, but also advertisements that help educate its readers regarding any specific event or piece of information that people need to know. Even though marketing has changed drastically since the advent of the internet, newspaper advertisements have still not lost its charm. Different types of advertisements in newspapers do help boost marketing ROI by three times as per the average reach of any specific advertisement making it as effective as other sources of media.
It is quite evident that even in today’s time, newspapers are still important and do hold an important role in people’s lives. As per Rufus Olins, the CEO of Newsworks- “ Running a campaign without newspapers is like trying to bake a cake without baking powder”. Similarly different newspaper advertisements are used for different reasons in order to assure that this information reaches the eyes of the desired audience.
Newspaper Advertisements Come with Benefits:
Keeping in mind the way newspapers do target and engage the audience, we’ll discuss some benefits of newspaper advertising and how are they effective:
- The great part of newspaper advertisements is that their readers actively search for information that relates to them most. This means that your audience is likely to notice your ad keeping in mind the newspaper you choose.
- Secondly, these advertisements are not limited to any specific geographical region. You have the liberty to share your ad anywhere keeping in the target audience you wish to share this information with.
- Lastly, but certainly not the least, newspaper ads are trustworthy. Keeping in mind the advertisement charges in newspapers, print media agencies do charge a nominal remuneration in order to reach the eyes of many. Hence you can be rest assured that the amount you spend is guaranteed to reach the eyes of your target audience.
Types of Newspaper Ads to Choose from
There are generally 3 different types of advertisements in newspapers to choose from. Read below to know more:
- Display Ads: These ads are also termed as box ads and are termed to be one of the most common types of newspaper ad. This form of advertisement normally appears alongside normal editorial content. These forms of newspaper advertisements are given the liberty to occupy as much space in any newspaper luring maximum reach even though they are a bit expensive compared to the others.
- Insert Ads: These ads do appear in your daily, Sunday and even weekly newspaper flyers. These ads meet the needs of customers and make it easy for them to find what they are searching for.As per recent research, nearly 86% of customers do look forward to newspaper inserts and 91% do take action after reading the newspapers. This makes these ads be on the list for advertisers to choose these ads in order to gain maximum traction.
- Classified Ads: Classified ads to include small messages that are placed in newspapers. These are grouped under specific headings and placed under a specific section. Being comparatively on the lower end, these newspaper ads allow businesses to advertise their services without it being heavy on their pockets.
Newspaper Ads are Still on Top
With those advertisers choosing to opt for a more traditional route of advertising for their businesses or even any personal related matter to be published in the newspapers, these 3 different forms of advertisements in newspapers would assist you to reach your target audience along with a good ROI.
However, in order to make any advertisement process easy and smooth, a good advertising agency is necessary. Here’s where Bookadsnow comes into play. With over 30+ years in media planning, you will get the best newspaper advertisement templates to make sure your ad does stand out from the rest.
With easy steps involved behind booking your newspaper ads, Bookadsnow does assure that your confusion is solved when it comes down to choosing print media over other modern forms of advertisements without discarding the traditional giant in news sharing.